Friday, April 30, 2010
Overdue update and other stuff.
Oaks Of Bethel - The Graves of Our Fathers...
Brand new full-length album from Oaks Of Bethel. One epic 48-minute track of experimental black metal/drone. Blazing, atmospheric and introspective, this new album finds Oaks Of Bethel refining their core sound and bringing it to new stages of realization.This album will be officially released and shipped on May 4th.
Njiqahdda - Dremoanti (Hibernation) Package
The brand-new release from Njiqahdda. More twisting, complex, psychedelic and unique Nji metal, as only they can play it. A continual progression from the Divisionals album; angular black metal meets psychedelic droning chaos. This album comes with a 41-page, 5x8" saddle stitched book (professionally printed) that explains the album's concept, lyrics and much more -------------------------------------------------------------------
Dungeons Deep Records will be releasing the Divisionals 2-disc set in the next few weeks. We will have some at EEE when it is released. It will have a killer package with a load of goodies. Keep an eye out for that.
Njiqahdda interview with Black Sun webzine coming soon. As well as the Q & A on this site.